February 19, 2015


rice pudding3

It’s difficult to make a picture of rice pudding look exciting or glamorous but for those of us who love it, beauty is not the important thing.  It’s the taste and the thickness of the skin!
I have loved rice pudding for as long as I can remember.  I was recently reminiscing with my brother about my mum’s excellent rice pudding and he reminded me about how much we argued over who was to have the skin!  My mum used to make it using full cream milk (semi-skimmed was not invented then, there was only ordinary milk or, better still, gold top) and if we were lucky, partly with evaporated milk.  It was served hot, thick and creamy, and occasionally there would be a few sultanas or raisins in it, which was known in the family as Chinese wedding cake.
We loved it hot, sometimes with a blob of strawberry jam, or cold and even stiffer the following day.

rice pudding1

Soon after I bought my new mini slow cooker I was keen to use it to make a rice pudding. 

rice pudding

I warmed the milk before adding it to the pot and stirred a couple of times during cooking.  My brother said that the only time he made it in a slow cooker he ended up with the rice stuck on the bottom and the milk on top, which was disappointing to say the least, but he hadn’t thought to stir it.
 rice pudding2 
Cooking time depends on how stiff you like your rice pudding and how thick you like the skin.  The longer you leave it, the stiffer and more delicious it becomes.

Slow Cooked Challenge

I am contributing this post to the Slow Cooked Challenge, run by Janice at Farmersgirl Kitchen.  It’s an open theme this month and you can read the details here.

75g/3oz pudding rice
55g/2oz caster sugar
600ml/1 pint milk (full fat or semi-skimmed)
1 small tin, 170g evaporated milk (normal or light)
grated nutmeg
a few knobs of butter
Rinse the rice and put into the slow cooker with the sugar and evaporated milk.
Warm the milk in a saucepan and add to the cooker.  Stir well.
Sprinkle some grated nutmeg on the top and dot a few knobs of butter over.
Cook on low heat for 3-4 hours or longer, stirring a couple of times.
Serves 4.


  1. oh I love rice pudding too, and we loved the skin too! I've made rice pudding in the slow cooker and it's brilliant, so simple. Thanks for joining me for the Slow Cooked Challenge :-)

  2. Nigel made a lovely rice pudding (in the oven) when we were last in the UK using pudding rice. I have never heard of pudding rice before and have always just used rice. Wonder if there is pudding rice in France? Keep well Diane x

    1. Diane, I think arborio or risotto rice would also work. I'm going to try that myself when I am next in need of a rice pudding in France.

  3. Oh my goodness, I just adore rice pudding, and yes, skin is very important. I've never made it in the slow cooker - better give it a go!

    1. Sally, just remember that important stirring a couple of times.

  4. Yummy! Perhaps my favourite pud.

  5. Damn it, I haven't made a rice pud for far, far too long. You may think it doesn't look exciting in photos but I beg to differ - it's definitely making me very hungry. By the way, you can definitely buy pudding rice in France. At least you can in Normandy where it's essential for making teurgoule. I've bought a riz rond in Auchan (at least I think it was Auchan) which is specifically labelled as being 'pour dessert'.

    1. Thanks Phil, I'll look out for it.


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