March 8, 2020


A cherry custard tart to an Ed Kimber recipe.
Just as we were gearing up for our return to France my father has decided that he would like to go into sheltered housing.  This is something we knew we would have to deal with sooner or later and although the timing could have been better we're all pleased that he's made the decision.
It is uncharted territory for us and we'll be feeling our way through the quagmire of process and paperwork.  Our return is likely to be delayed and we might have to do some toing and froing across the channel until he is settled.  The blog will be on hold until life returns to normal.  Not that I can actually remember what normal is.


  1. Always a difficult time for families. You're in my thoughts and prayers as you help him with the challenges ahead

    1. Angela, he's very keen on the idea, which is a good start I think.

  2. Good luck with everything - and stay safe! Cheers

  3. I know from my own experience that this can be a difficult and exhausting process and so I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for you. Looking forward to seeing you back sometime soon.


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