index of recipes

January 10, 2023


There are still no cakes being made chez nous.  It's now nine weeks since I had cake, bread, biscuits or puddings of any kind and my weight is steadily falling.  I remember the wonderful Terry Wogan and his slogan "fight the flab" and I have to say that I am winning the battle and feeling much better for it.

I haven't felt hungry at all over the last nine weeks, not ever.  Filling up on fruit, veg and lean meat definitely seems to work and I have felt no desire to dive into the biscuit tin or raid the fridge for slabs of cheese.  (Although I have hankered after the occasional slap-up roast dinner.)  Nick and I are eating the same meals and his weight remains steady because he fills up on buttered toast with marmalade or cheese and patés. Watching him devour all the extras while I enjoy a nice, juicy orange has turned out to be easier than I thought!  I've even been making apple crumbles, just for him.  He's not much of a fan of cake so the temptation to have just one slice (it's impossible to have just the one) has been avoided.

At the back of my mind is my huge collection of cook books, cake tins and cake stands, all gathering dust from lack of use, and the worry that I might never get to need of them again - for fear of putting the weight back on.  

We'll have to wait and see but in the meantime I shall re-post some of my favourite recipes, some from years ago.

You can see this coconut and lemon cake if you click here. 


  1. I'm under orders to not bake any cakes for a while, at least until Christmas excess has worn off. But I must admit that I'm tempted to make a cake with lemon because there are such good, fragrant Amalfi lemons appearing in the shops right now.

    1. Over the weeks that I have been following my diet the only time I put any weight back on was Christmas week. The only change in my diet that week was a few snacks and desserts, plus a few more drinks. QED.
      It takes a lot of effort to get the pounds gained off again so I now think twice about what tempts me. "Is it worth the calories?" was never more true!


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