index of recipes

September 27, 2019


Today is the day that the Macmillan Cancer Support suggest for holding a coffee morning to raise funds for the charity.  I held mine three weeks ago so that I could catch all our friends in France who might have gone back to the UK for winter by now.
It was, as several people pointed out, much like the old days of cake club.  Which is exactly what I was hoping for. 
The cake club I have been organising for seven years has gradually evolved into a lunch club, with quiches, salads, pies and even sandwiches appearing on the table.  For me it was always all about the cake but it turns out that some people were actually thinking that there were too many cakes and were pleased to see them gradually being replaced by the savouries. 
Now at meetings people bring all kinds of food, which for me is a shame because the cake club was unique.  It's no longer an afternoon get together over a cup of tea and a slice of cake, it's a buffet lunch.

At our Macmillan coffee morning, to go with the cakes, biscuits and buns, there was also a bring and buy stall where people were asked to donate any cast off items for sale.

The weather was perfect, most of the items were sold, we all stuffed ourselves with cake, people were very generous and we raised €165 for the charity.
It's sad though to think that I shall probably never again see another table groaning under the weight of so many gorgeous cakes!


  1. Tricky. Why don't you run an invitation only twice yearly cake gathering, at your place. Your invitation, your place, you can set the rules. But hopefully not threatening enough to be a splinter group or cause a schism.

    1. Susan, that had occurred to me but is probably too tricky. Better to accept that the cake club has changed and moved on.

  2. That's a fine spread and congratulations on some very good fundraising. The Macmillan coffee morning that I went to was in a house large enough to contain my little house at least a dozen times. Only one of the cakes was homemade and the rest were all from Waitrose (mostly very early Christmas cakes for some reason). I was worried I might spill coffee down someone's designer clothes. It's just one of the strange pleasures of living in Cobham.

    1. Phil, you definitely move in different circles down there in the south!


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